If you find yourself struggling to stay ahead of your ever growing to do list on the daily (especially in the middle of busy season, hello), it’s time to re-evaluate your systems and look at what’s giving you time + energy versus what is holding you back. Read below to find a few action items to consider:

1. Start your day with something for YOU. Be selfish! As I’m writing this, I’m realizing that I need to be better about it myself- but on the days that I begin with intention (a quick workout, a slow breakfast, a podcast shower) it sets the pace for the rest of the day and gives me life and productivity like nothing else. Especially important for non-coffee drinkers like me!

2. Plan out your day the night before. Write out your to-do’s (your must do’s and your “it’d be great if I could knock this out too” items). Make it attainable- start small and add as you can, but block out the time for each task that you’ll need, and give yourself grace when it takes longer than you expected. Having a visual for what to expect for your day ahead is such a game changer! It also helps to have a daily planner to keep track of everything visually. Find something that you love looking at – it makes it so much more fun! 😉

3. Consume less. Compare less. Create more. Simple as that! It is so dang easy to get caught in the scrolling game, but try to be intentional about limiting your time on socials.

4. The big scary “O” word for entrepreneurs- OUTSOURCE. I said it!!! Truly, I can’t think of a single better decision that I’ve made for my business (and my mental health) than taking the time to recognize what was draining me or taking me too long, and finding experts that were eager to help me take those loads off my plate and do them ten times BETTER. As terrifying as it can be to ask for help, just remember- your time is precious and limited, as is your energy. What are you doing to maximize your creativity? Give yourself your time back that you were excited to have when you started this business in the first place, and then got lost in the busy-ness and hustle of it all? Scaling and growth can’t happen by doing it on your own. And let’s be honest- we can’t wear all the hats, and even if we try, we can’t do it well for long before burnout hits HARD. It’s time, friends- if you’re interested in knowing more about how we outsource, let’s chat!

FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHER WHO FEELS BURNED OUT + OVERWHELMED: We are all always learning, growing, and figuring out ways to succeed in this, so don’t worry! I would love to chat with you to brainstorm ways for you specifically to thrive in a more healthy way in your business. Let’s connect through a 1:1 Mentorship Call! I like to call it the “Coffee + Collab” – sipping on coffee and chatting through all things business, life, and more! This can be virtual OR in person, depending on your location. Let’s connect, friend!
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